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Linguaskill: the new online English test created by Cambridge Assessment English

Linguaskill is an online English test that allows you to quickly assess the English level of candidates, individually or in groups.

The test is available in two versions, Business and General and evaluates all four language skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening.

The results are available online in 48 hours in the form of Test Reports aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), the international standard for describing language skills, and the Cambridge English assessment grid.

Linguaskill was developed by a team of experts from Cambridge Assessment English, the world’s leading institution in the language certification sector, using artificial intelligence. The test has been tested by native speakers of over 40 different languages from 50 different countries – the result is a reliable and accurate test.

When can I take the test?

Every Thursday from 10am to 1pm.

The test is carried out remotely online so you can do it from home, office or anywhere you want.

How can I prepare for the test?

We have two courses of intensive English language enhancement and specific test preparation.

Linguaskill for companies

The Linguaskill test allows companies to quickly and effectively assess the language skills of their employees by taking a picture of their level of English.

This tool can also be useful in the personnel recruitment stage to test candidates’ real English skills. Test Reports available online within 48 hours can be individual or group. Group Reports present, in the form of a list, the results of a group of candidates to make it much easier to compare, identify strengths and weaknesses and then make informed decisions.


The Linguaskill test is already very popular in Europe and has been adopted by large companies. For example, Air France chose it to assess the level of English of the employees involved in customer relations and to define the language skills necessary to obtain a promotion.

Linguaskill for universities

Assessing students’ language skills is very important for educational institutions for several reasons: admissions, course assignments, intermediate or final assessments.

Linguaskill is the perfect answer to these needs because it allows universities to assess candidates’ language skills easily and reliably, and it guarantees quick results that can be consulted online 48 hours after the test.

The test can be easily organized anywhere there are computers and an internet connection, in the ways and at the times considered most convenient. Linguaskill allows you to evaluate the language skills of individuals or groups of students, with clear comparative reports of the results obtained.

The test is modular so each university can choose the module it needs, testing only specific skills.

The Linguaskill test is already very popular in Europe and has been adopted by major universities such as the University of Barcelona in Spain.

In such a critical moment as the COVID-19 pandemic, which seemed to dramatically compromise our efficiency in the management of language assessments – traditionally face to face – the LinguaSkill test constituted an immediate, practical, effective and fast tool that allowed students of our University to test the four fundamental language skills (speaking, writing, reading and listening) in the times set for them by the university curricula. The test guaranteed within 48 hours results consistent with the criteria of the Common European Framework of Reference for the Knowledge of Languages, thus compensating – with effectiveness and rigor – the temporary management disorientation that has devastated all the professionals in our field. And the degree of student satisfaction? Very high!

University of Brescia

Sign up for the test




    Data di nascita*


    Codice Fiscale*




    Indirizzo Email*

    Numero di telefono*

    Tipo di esame*

    Il tuo messaggio*

    Gli importi sopra indicati sono comprensivi dei € 2 per marca da bollo necessari per la fatturazione.

    Condizioni di iscrizione:
    • Le informazioni relative alla sede e all’orario delle prove di esame (scritto e orale) verranno comunicate circa 2 settimane prima delle prove stesse.
    • I pagamenti possono essere effettuati nei seguenti modi:
    - bonifico: Unicredit Banca - Agenzia di San Donato Milanese Metanopoli, International House - IBAN: IT 29S0200833712000100485736
    - pagamento diretto in contanti, con assegno o carta di credito presso il Centro Autorizzato International House: San Donato Milanese, Via Alfonsine 40 - Milano, Viale Brenta,27
    • Iscrizioni oltre la data di scadenza possono essere accettate a discrezione del Centro d’esame e dietro pagamento di una sopratassa di 50,00 € entro 1 mese dopo la data di chiusura o di 100,00 € dopo oltre 1 mese dalla data di chiusura.
    1. L’iscrizione è nominativa e in nessun caso può essere trasferita ad altri.
    2. Eventuali esclusioni di date relative alle prove orali nell’ambito della finestra prevista per singoli candidati o per l’intero gruppo devono essere comunicate all’atto dell’iscrizione.
    3. In caso di malattia certificata entro 5 giorni dalla data dell’esame scritto verrà rimborsato il 50% della tassa d’iscrizione.
    4. I candidati che arrivano in ritardo non sono ammessi alla prova d’esame e perderanno la loro quota d’iscrizione.
    5. I candidati devono presentare un documento d’identità in corso di validità, altrimenti non sono ammessi alla prova d’esame.
    6. Tutte le prove d’esame vengono corrette e valutate dall’University of Cambridge English Examinations che trasmette i risultati al Centro d’Esame. I risultati degli esami sono definitivi e insindacabili. Le prove d’esame rimangono proprietà dell’Università di Cambridge English e non possono essere restituite. Le scuole/università/docenti/aziende che fanno iscrizioni collettive riceveranno una copia dei
    risultati dei loro candidati.
    7. Nella sede d’esame ci sarà un’area supervisionata dove i candidati potranno lasciare le borse e altri oggetti personali. International House, Centro d’esame IT060, non è responsabile di perdite, danneggiamenti o furti di oggetti personali presso il luogo del test. Suggeriamo di non portare con sé oggetti di valore, quali cellulari, tablet e computer.
    8. International House, Centro d’esame IT060, non può essere ritenuta responsabile di eventuali interruzioni durante la gestione degli esami dovute a cause non dipendenti dalla sua volontà.

    The guarantee of a Platinum Exam Center

    International House Milano & San Donato has been offering the prestigious Cambridge certifications in Lombardy for many years and, together with 9 other schools throughout Italy, is part of the Platinum 10 group, a group of examination centers selected on the basis of the quantity of candidates examined and the excellent quality of the services offered.

    Platinum 10 centers are the first in Italy to become official Linguaskill agents authorized by Cambridge Assessment English.


    Characteristics of the test

    For English levels A1 to C1 + there are two options available:

    • Linguaskill General. This version evaluates general English skills in everyday situations. Among the topics covered in the test we can mention study and work situations, design of future plans, travel and technology.
    • Linguaskill Business. This version evaluates the English used in work and business situations. Ideal for finding out the candidates’ Business English level. Among the topics covered in the test we can mention the purchase and sale of products and services, office situations, business trips and human resources.

    The Linguaskill test consists of three modules, which collectively assess the four language skills:

    • Reading & Listening (single module) – duration of 60’/85′. The Reading and Listening module is adaptive: the questions become easier or more difficult based on the answer given to the previous question
    • Writing – duration of 45 ‘
    • Speaking – duration of 15 ‘

    The modules can also be purchased individually at the price of € 75.00 each. Candidates who take only one module can decide to take the others within the next 2 months and obtain an overall report.

    The cost of the Linguaskill test as a whole, i.e. of the three modules, is € 150.00.

    To be able to take the Linguaskill test you need to have:

    • computer with webcam
    • internet connection
    • microphone
    • headphones

    A technological online supervision system guarantees the correct execution of the test by taking the following precautions

    • recording of the candidate via the webcam for the duration of the test
    • audio recording in the room
    • recording of any desktop activity
    • tracking of body and eye movements
    • blocking of the candidate’s computer functions not related to the test
    • monitoring of the candidate’s activity through artificial intelligence software
    • remote surveillance personnel will intervene immediately should any of the above circumstances arise

    Do you want to prepare for the Lingaskill test? On the Cambridge Assessment English official website you will find preparation materials accessible for free, click here.

    The reviews of the candidates

    I would like to congratulate the organization because the test is exactly as expected and the software works perfectly. The video tutorials are very useful and explain very well what we will encounter during the exam, and above all between registration and arrival of the results practically only one week passes, congratulations. I also wanted to thank you for your availability and efficiency in responding to emails and any other problems.

    The adaptive software in the listening and reading part allows you to put yourself at ease during the test, without being overly easy / difficult to find questions. Furthermore, the writing organized in this way gives the possibility to express yourself without excessive constraints on the topics or issues to be addressed.

    The test is well organized: not too long and immediate delivery of results, which is no small thing. Friendly and helpful assistant staff for any clarification.

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