IHCYLT training for teachers

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IHCYLT Course and Certificate

The IH certificate in teaching Young Learners and Teenagers (IHCYLT) is an in-service qualification for CELTA (or equivalent) trained teachers to develop their skills in teaching 6-17 year olds. 

Awarded by International House and moderated by Cambridge English Language Assessment, you can count on the high quality and standards of this internationally recognized qualification.

The course’s objective is to introduce trainees to the principles behind successful YL teaching as well as it’s practical application in the classroom. Trainees develop their skills over the duration of the course via input sessions, teaching practice, observations, feedback and evaluation and written assignments.

The course will be delivered completely online. Please note that like all of our online Teacher Training courses, this course is 100% live. Trainees and tutors are together as a group in real-time for the duration of the course.

IHCYLT training for teachers


  • 30 hours of input sessions which cover areas such as Child Development, Clarifying and Practising Language, L1 in the classroom, Teaching Adolescents, Material Design and Selection.
  • 6 hours of observation of experienced YL teachers and peers.
  • 3 hours of assessed teaching practice. This essential part of the course allows trainees to demonstrate that they are able to put the theory presented in the input sessions into practice.
  • Over 8 hours of assisted lesson planning, feedback and tutorials. Lesson planning is an important part of the course in which trainees must demonstrate the thought process behind their planning and show awareness of the theory presented in the input sessions. Trainees are supported in lesson planning by the tutor.
  • Two written assignments are required. These assignments will demonstrate trainees’ understanding of basic teaching principles as well as their ability to reflect on their own development as a teacher.
  • The Portfolio is a collection of tasks and projects completed over the course related to the input sessions and reflections on teaching practice.
  • Next online course: 12 – 28 June 2024
  • Frequency:
    • lesson from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 4pm
    • the first 3 days are dedicated exclusively to input sessions, the teaching practice will start from Monday 17th
  • Pre-requisites:
    • Minimum C1 level of English
    • initial teaching qualification (CELTA or equivalent) or substantial classroom experience
    • applicants must be 18 years of age and educated to at least university entrance level
  • How to enrol: complete application form and send to teachertraining@ihmilano.it
  • Cost: € 850* + €2 tax fee (includes IHWO/Cambridge fee for external moderation and digital verifiable certificate)

*Our school is a certified member of AISLI, an association accredited to teach state and private school teachers: you can spend your “Buono Scuola” here! 

The input sessions are comprised of the following:

  • Teaching Young Learners
  • Teaching Teens
  • Classroom Management
  • Child Development
  • Planning for Young Learners
  • Clarification of new language & checking understanding
  • Materials
  • Practising new language
  • Different approaches to the teaching of Young Learners
  • Use of L1 in the YL classroom
  • Dealing with Mixed Abilities
  • Error Correction
  • Developing Listening & Speaking Skills
  • Developing Reading & Writing skills
  • Testing & Assessment
  • Using games in the YL classroom
  • Classroom instructions & Classroom language
  • Methods & Approaches
  • Focus on the learner
  • Aims and Objectives
  • YL & second language acquisition
  • Accuracy & correction techniques

Meet the Course Tutors.

  • Stephanie Holme

    Stephanie is the Head Teacher Trainer at IH Milan & San Donato. She holds the Cert TEFLA, Dip TEFLA, the CELTYL, CERT IBET, and the CERT ICT. She has been a CELTA trainer since 2006, a CELTYL/IHCYLT Trainer since 2009, a DELTA trainer since 2010. She has accompanied hundreds of teachers, both new to the profession and experienced teachers, on their training journeys, as well as having accompanied thousands of learners on their learning journeys, covering a range of ages from 2 to 75 years old!!

  • Tiziana Pace

    Tiziana Pace is a teacher, teacher trainer, and has held roles of both YL Senior Teacher and YL Coordinator. Tiziana has a CELTA, DELTA Module 1, and is an approved tutor on both the IHVYL and IHCYLT.

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IH Milan & San Donato Teacher Training Blog

International House Journal

A publication by International House World Organization whose original intention was to provide a forum for debate, a platform for creating new ideas and re-floating old ones, debunking myths and generally generate a sense of adventure for people teaching TEFL or teaching English as a second language.

The IH Journal is designed to be readable but serious, though always with room to be lighthearted as well. IH World Organization is always on the lookout for new materials, ideas, papers, photos and articles. If you are a language teaching expert, teacher trainer or teacher from within the IH network or beyond and would like to contribute to the IH Journal, they would be delighted to hear from you.

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