CELTA is a huge investment on many different levels and there are a lot of courses out there. We think there are some very good reasons why you should choose International House Milan.
IH Milan runs CELTA all year round, every year and we have been doing so for twenty years. This isn’t a sideline project for us, but an integral part of what we do. Our IH Milan CELTA programme is overseen by a highly experienced Head Teacher Trainer who guarantees the same excellent quality across all courses. While tutors adapt their delivery and materials to the strengths and weaknesses of the trainees on the course, the overall syllabus, structure and timing of the course is managed and quality assured by IH Milan.
Our CELTA online courses are 100% live. All input and training are delivered in person by highly experienced trainers. Ours is not a blended approach in which trainees do the bulk of the learning alone and then come together to clarify questions with the tutor. Our trainees are together every step of the way and our tutors work side by side with them every day of the course. Does this matter? In a word, yes! As one of our graduates recently noted, “It was incredible how close everyone came to be as the course progressed, especially considering we had never actually met in person!”
We don’t simply shepherd you through the course. We’re constantly encouraging you to improve your skills and develop as teachers by taking that next step, whatever your starting point is. The novice can expect to finish with a solid framework within which to begin their teaching career, while the more experienced teacher can expect to re-think and fine-tune what they do… and sometimes adopt a completely new approach to teaching. Whatever point you’re at in your teaching career, expect the International House Milan CELTA course to challenge you.

CELTA trainees with their tutor
IH Milan CELTA online courses: an ever-evolving approach
We practice what we preach! An important aspect of CELTA is giving and receiving feedback, reflecting on that feedback, and then incorporating it into teaching practice.
At IH Milan we live this approach and nowhere more so than in the Teacher Training Department. We are constantly re-examining and fine-tuning our practices and incorporating trainee and tutor feedback into what we do. We know that learning never stops and we are committed to making our CELTA courses the best possible experience for our trainees.
We know that CELTA isn’t the end of the journey. Our philosophy is that you never stop learning and that teaching is learning.
When you’ve finished your course, you can expect to receive information on the latest happenings in the world of ELT as well as links to the teaching blogs and forums that we find most useful. And of course we’ll keep you updated on all of our training initiatives from our specialist courses in teaching young learners, business, and exams to our internationally attended annual conference and our periodic free webinars.